Jim Long
Brian Lockhart
Ben Knapp, technical support
November 1-2, 2021
Videos of silviculture from around the world!
Group Photo
Not shown: Bob Seymour
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Talk 1: Ed Loewenstein, Jim Long, and Brian Lockhart
This video is also available on the Silviculture Instructors YouTube channel HERE.
Talk 2: Jim Guldin
Learn more about forest management at Pioneer Forest from L-A-D Foundation.
Talk 3: David Schnake
More content is available at David's YouTube channel HERE.
Talk 4: Bob Seymour and Jessica Leahy
More content is available at Bob's YouTube channel HERE.
Talk 5: Matt Olson and students
This video is also available on the Silviculture Instructors YouTube channel HERE.
Talk 6: Justin DeRose
This video is also available on the Silviculture Instructors YouTube channel HERE.
Talk 7: Marcella Windmuller-Campione
This video is also available on the Silviculture Instructors YouTube channel HERE.
Talk 8: Andrew Nelson
This video is also available on the Silviculture Instructors YouTube channel HERE.
Talk 9: Kristen Waring
This video is also available on the Silviculture Instructors YouTube channel HERE.
Talk 10: Eric Knapp
This 33-minute narrated virtual reality tour, created through a partnership between Penn State University and the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station provides views into stands treated with thinning and prescribed fire on the Stanislaus-Tuolumne Experimental Forest. The tour takes up to ten minutes to load due to high-resolution imagery and can be accessed at the follow URL: